All You Need To Know About Bernedoodles For Sale Chicago

By Matthew Wood

The Bernedoodle is the smartest and most loyal dog you can ever have as a companion and therefore if you have been looking for one, your such as come to an end. The breed is a combination of the Poodle and the Mountain Dog and is also known as Bernese Mountain Poo. There are a few essential facts you need to know about the Bernedoodles for sale Chicago, as highlighted in this article.

This dog comes in three sizes ranging from the tiny, miniature, and the standard size. This is usually a reflection of the poodle parent that maybe a mini, little or standard size. The tiny one is generally characterized by a height of about 12 to 17 inches and about 10 to 24 pounds in weight. The weight of the standard one is about 70 to 90 pounds, and the height is about 23 to 90 inches. The females are generally smaller than the male ones.

The best traits of personality portrayed by the canines seem to come from the Poodle and the Bernedoodles mountain dog breeds. Each dog has a varying personality, and it is unknown which personality traits are inherited from which parent. These dogs tend to be very hard-working when needed, goofy, loyal, and extremely intelligent. They get along easily with children and fellow dogs, as long as they have been socialized adequately.

Their health conditions have proven to be better than that of their parents. Many purebred dogs have been prone to getting inherited conditions and diseases due to inbreeding, but the risks are reduced with crossbreeding. However, information concerning the health of this breed has been scanty because it has not been around for very long. Compared to the Bernese Mountain Dog, the chances of cancer in this breed are lower.

If you live in an apartment, the miniature and tiny Bernedoodles are more recommended. However, if you have a yard that a dog can run around in, then the standard one would be better. This dog does not require too much personal space. They have mental and physical stimulation needs, and as long as these needs are being met, it would be unexpected for them to be destructive.

Like their parent breed the poodle, they can be intelligent. This implies that they can acquire undesired habits, perhaps as easily as the good ones. It is therefore essential to adequately follow up on training. It is always a good idea to expose and socialize them with other dogs and humans from an early age. This will go a long way in ensuring they are well mannered when meeting new pets or people.

The required amount of feed is highly individualized and therefore depends on their size, age, and activity level. The standard size may at any time gulp down whatever you give them and are thus known to be the voracious eaters. It will, therefore, be vital for you to monitor their food intake and weight as you ensure they have a lot of physical activity.

The coats of the breed look more like the Poodle or at times resembled a Bernese Mountain Dog, but they generally vary. They are more suitable for people with allergies to dander because of their wavy, curly coats that do not shed much. Others would have straighter coats, but their hypoallergenic is much less. The breed thrives in cold temperatures thanks to the thickness of the coating which equally protects them from the summer heat.

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