Pooper Scooper Services New Jersey; Misconceptions About Picking Up Dog Poop

By Shirley Hall

There are misconceptions about cleaning up after a pet that ought to be addressed. If you are pet parent it goes without saying that that is your responsibility to ensure that the poop of your pooch is not left lying on the ground. There are key reasons why you would want to ensure poop scooping duties are taken seriously. When searching for reliable pooper scooper services New Jersey could offer you a decent number of dependable experts.

It is common courtesy not to leave your pets poop lying around. There are no better ways of describing the rudeness behind opting not to clean after your furry friend. If you have ever stepped on dog poop in the past, then perhaps you know too well that this can ruin your day in all kinds of ways.

Stepping on poop can ruin your day in more ways than one. Getting indoors with the soiled shoe could certainly turn your house into a spooky home. The worst part is if you enter your car, ready to get to work only to realize that there is a terrible lingering order coming from the floorboards. Any kind of mess can ruin your day, your good moods and your schedules.

Dog poop is harmful. This is a fact that cannot be emphasized enough. It is wrong to assume that poop is created equal and dog waste is just as good as the fertilizer produced from cow dung. If this fact was true, then whole nations would not spend billions of dollars to create sewer treatment plants for human waste.

Dogs have digestive systems and dietary preferences that are very different from those of cows. Canines eat diets that are rich in protein and their waste is packed with nitrogen and phosphorus. In short, dog poop cannot by any means serve as fertilizer. If anything, it could burn your lawn and even contaminate local watersheds.

The waste of your canine contains disease causing parasites and bacteria. These microbes are harmful to not only humans, but also dogs. Dog poop often contains salmonella and E. Coli that often carry worms like Coronavirus, Cryptosporidiosis, Campybacteriosis, Parvovirus, Salmonellosis and Giardiasis. Such parasites can remain in the soil for years, posing even greater risk to canines and humans.

You should clean after your pet because the poop will not get washed away and disappear sooner or later. In fact, the waste of dogs can take over a year to break down. In case you choose to stall and just wait, the parasites and bacteria in the poop will have plenty of time to get into the ground and contaminate the soil and local watersheds.

If you are like most people, you will dislike duties related to poop scooping. This is perfectly okay as long as you choose to seek alternative assistance. Hiring experts to offer pooper scooper services would take a huge burden off your shoulders while ensuring the health of your pooch and loved ones.

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