What To Know About Egyptian Mau For Sale

By Christine Lee

Cat fanatics who love exotic looks can go for the Egyptian Mau. The reason is because it is one of the two naturally spotted domesticated cats, with the other one being the Bahraini Dilmun Cat. This means that their spotting pattern is not as a result of human manipulation of the feline genes. They have natural spots and stripes which distinguishes them from other feline breeds. Here are facts about Egyptian Mau for sale.

The name of this breed tends to suggest that they have their origin from the country of Egypt. However, that may not be true since their place of origin is not clear. Some evidence states that they must have descended from some wild African cat. Another theory is that they came from Europe as suggested by DNA evidence. Finally, phylogenetic tree evidence suggests that they may have come from western-derived breeds.

The question of their origin is further complicated by the fact that spotted cats exist in modern-day Egypt. On the other hand, the Maus share more than a passing resemblance with kitties such as the Korat, Turkish Angoras, and Maine Coon. To add on this, there is a close genetic similarity between the aforementioned western cat breeds and the Maus.

One aspect that is clear is that the Maus are rare because of their beauty. This is regardless of their place of origin. They look like miniature jungle cats with their spotted bodies. Their bodies are slender and muscular, with slightly different metabolism, anatomy and behaviors. For example, the anatomical distinction lies in their legs. Compared to their hind limbs, they have slightly shorter front legs.

Another anatomical uniqueness is that the skin underneath their bellies is folded. The fold in their skin is the same as that found in cheetahs. This makes them able to run the fastest by stretching their backs further. They are equal to greyhounds in the cat world because they are the quickest.

The Maus are quite the jumpers and climbers. As such, owners must invest in a tall cat tree. They are highly active when engaged in games such as fetch. When not playing, they enjoy sitting in a lap. They are loyal and fiercely devoted. This means that they enjoy spending time with people. However, they have the tendency of loving one particular member of a family more than the others.

They need early socialization considering their tendency to be friendly and loving with only their main owners. Early socialization is also necessary to ensure they warm up easily to other pets and people. Despite the Maus being peaceful and calm, they are hunters. As such, one should be careful with other pets such as rabbits, birds, and hamsters in the home. Socialization is the key to rooting out this behavior.

Finally, one can easily tell when the cat is happy. Happiness is indicated by rapid swishing of the tail, chortling quietly, and kneading with front paws. They exhibit sensitivity to temperature changes, medicines, and anesthesia. They prefer warm temperatures. They have a longer gestational period of 73 days. This is longer than the normal gestation of 65-67 days.

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