Information Before Buying Standard Schnauzer Puppies California

By Betty Stewart

There is a good possibility that you are on this article right now because you are in the market for a new pet or companion. Your colleagues have recommended a schnauzer for you. If you are intent on following their recommendation and thinking of going to the nearest standard schnauzer puppies California breeder, then do read this article first. Finish this article to the end so that you will have a general idea about this breed.

The standard schnauzer is the forebear of the miniature schnauzer and the giant schnauzer. It was first bred in the 14th and 15th century as a working dog on farms. It is mistakenly classified as a terrier in most dog registers when it is actually a working class dog. Its name basically means snout, and it looks like it has a big mustache, Kaiser Wilhelm II style as some people will comment.

In terms of pricing, the price for this breed is not unreachable and will cost anywhere from four hundred dollars to one thousand and five hundred dollars per puppy. As a general rule as with any other dog, the females cost more than the males. If you are willing to get older dogs of around two years or more, they generally will be cheaper ranging from seventy five dollars to four hundred dollars.

One outstanding characteristic is that it is quite intelligent. Out of one hundred and eighty dog breeds, this dog places number twelve on the intelligence parameter. They are very easy to train and will be able to learn things given in repetition very quickly, but will ten dot become bored with tricks that it is made to do over and over again.

As this dog is no couch potato, then you should not be one either. This is a very energetic working class dog that enjoys a lot of romp and play. It loves to participate in any activity that it finds itself in with enthusiasm whether it be with people or with dogs. It is a dog that enjoys and requires a lot of outdoor activity so you should prepare yourself for this.

Upon maturity the standard schnauzer can reach a weight of a range from thirty to forty five pounds. It will on average live anywhere from thirteen to fifteen years and can easily be fed a diet consisting of any high quality commercial dog food. It will not give you too many health problems as its health is fairly robust. Minor complication may set in when it is older that will affect its eyes and hips later on.

People who hat dog hair being place everywhere will be glad to note that this bred sheds hair or fur very little. It is unique in the way that it has two coats of fur. The upper coat being wiry and quite resistant to dust and debris and a softer undercoat. Care has to be taken not to trim the outer coat too much as it will lessen its resistance to dust and dirt. It is best that dead hair be pulled out carefully by hand, and regular brushings be given at least twice to thrice a week.

In sum this article has shown general information about this breed. Always remember to also research other types of information so that you can be a more responsible dog owner, whether it be with this breed or another one.

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