Yellow Lab Puppies For Sale VA And Why You D Want One

By Marie Clark

The yellow lab, is a breed of dog native to the United States. One thing that was correct in the naming department when it comes to this specific breed is its purpose in life. Yellow lab puppies for sale VA dog of note, it s a type of dog that enjoys working even if its getting a bunch of sheep to behave.

Their popularity as pets came after World War II when they found use in rodeos and movies made by Disney. Being obedient and trainable is what sets these bundles of energy apart from other breeds. Because of these traits, it makes them well suited to the jobs of search and rescue, service or therapy dogs. When it comes to eating they re not voracious eaters and it s more a matter of quality rather than quantity when it comes to food portions. On average a full-grown dog can have as much as 1 and a half to 2 and a half cups of dry food, divided between two settings. But again, there a few things to take into considerations such as age, sex and activity level all playing a role on the diet and size of food portions.

The odds of having an obese shepherd dog are more akin to the rare to unlikely end on the scale due to their love for being active. If you feel it could be a possibility there is a way to test for it, without going to the vet first. The first test involves starring from a top-down orientation and if its waist is visible, then its safe to assume that he or she is okay.

If you fail to do this as an owner than it is to your own detriment. These smart animals will find their own things to do even if it doesn t align with your standards of how a good pet is supposed to behave like. Introspection and reflection come at a later stage for animals like these where curiosity and a sense of wonder take center stage.

In a farm setting, the dogs do what they do best by nipping at the heels of whatever livestock they happen to herd in order to get them in line. This is fantastic for when the proverbial chickens have to come home to roost but the same behavior is not desired when it happens to young children. If you as an owner notice this or get complaints about the dog trying to eat feet. It might be timme to invest in an exercise regiment to tire out your pet.

But being active is not without its own risks. Not to scare any prospective owners but there a few things that should raise a few flags if the heart wants what the heart wants and the heart wants this particular breed of dog.

Like most pets, yellow lab are prone to health issues that can make life cumbersome but not impossible. These include but are not limited to Hip and/or elbow dysplasia, epilepsy, deafness and cataracts. With the proper care and medication, it means that the animal can live a long and relatively healthy life and whatever illness that may befall it should not be taken as a hindrance to its life when there s always a way to adapt.

Obtaining a loving companion that will be with you for the next 10 to 12 years is no easy feat. Deciding on a dog requires a real commitment and even more so if that commitment happens to be a yellow lab puppy. Troublesome it may seem at first but in actuality, all they need is attention and stimulation as these smart pups will be the death of any novice or owners who lack a sense of aggression. A little research before coming to a decision won t hurt either

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