Discovering Professional Puppy Training Seattle

By Roger Evans

When it comes to owning a dog, it can be a long journey from puppyhood to adulthood. If planning on acquiring puppy training Seattle, it is important to do so as early as possible. In most cases, puppies can start classes between four and six weeks of age. Generally, there are multiple class levels which offer everything from basic to agility courses.

While classes are offered at pet store chains for all ages, puppy training can often be the most fun. For, owners and puppies can bond with other owners and puppies going through basic through advanced classes. Whether attending a private classes or group classes, owners are generally required to train along side pets.

Having an owner attend classes is so that the pet will bond with the owner as well as the instructor and others at a later date. For example, if a pet is trained solely by an instructor, it can often be difficult for the pet to obey commands when given at home by the owner. In addition, if the pet were to be boarded at a later date, it is important that the pet be willing to obey the commands of kennel staff, a handler or pet sitter.

Most classes start with basic command classes which include common commands such as sit, stay, come, lay down and heel. Whereas, intermediate classes offer a bit more in the way of playfulness such as fetch, jump and roll over. Whereas, the advanced classes tend to teach agility and coursework.

Once having completed all training levels, a dog generally gets a certificate rewarding good behavior. In some cases, the certificates are sanctioned by a kennel or government agency. Whereas, in others, the certificates are simply awarded by the trainer. In either case, it is important owners know that this does not classify or license the animal to work as a service dog.

When it comes to service animals, it can often take up to two years of training. For, dogs and others working in this regard must learn how to open doors, pick up items and retrieve things for disabled owners. Whereas, these dogs are also taught to alert owners with regards to blood sugar levels, danger, seizures and traffic patterns, especially when assisting blind owners.

Some dogs have been able to serve as therapy dogs just because the dog has shown no aggression towards other people or animals and is a gentle, kind and loving pet. While this is the case, there is currently a push to certify and license therapy dogs as well as service animals. For, some hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers have become worried about lawsuits if an animal were to act aggressively towards a patient or staff during a visit.

In either case, it is important to note the some breeds respond better than others. For example, while most dogs respond well to professional classes, the methods used can often differ. In some cases, standard voice training is enough for a dog to learn various commands and actions. Whereas, when it comes to bully breeds and others, click and electronic methods are often a better choice.

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