Sell Art With Postcard Mailers

By Matthew Kelly

While email use has become popular with business and personal communication, there are times when people want to receive paper mail. Although electronic mail may be faster and requires no postage for delivery, some things, like art, are better seen away from a computer screen. This is why postcard mailers are a good promotional tool for artists and crafters.

This can be a nice surprise to those expecting to find the usual bills and what some consider junk mail. Seeing a logo or image that relates to the things they enjoy can change their current frame of thought. Clear photos that depict those things that most find pleasurable like animals, nature, or even their favorite foods.

There was once a time when generic postcards found at the stationery store were used but the lightweight material made them disposable. It was also impossible to find those with a glossy surface to complement most images. When someone receives a card that is sturdy with a clear picture that looks and feels good, they will remember the card if nothing else.

When someone sees a nice, clear photo it can trigger positive thoughts and inspire good times. An event planner may choose a food display that is colorful surrounded by a party atmosphere to advertise their services. For starters, not everyone can take a picture of food so that it looks appetizing. Some details may get lost when taken from the wrong angle or lighting. However, when a moment looks realistic and fun, those services will be remembered by the recipient. They, or someone they know, may need an event planner for a future social gathering.

Ideally, the artist or crafter may use a website or personal appearance to build a mailing list. The photo cards or mailers should show off their best work so that the recipient will be compelled to support the artist. Even if there is no sale at that moment, the postcard may be considered a collector item because of the beautiful image. While online communication is good, it may be considered a secondary marketing tool.

Like any other business, cutting corners can do an injustice to the visual. While some home businesses may be able to get away with using a basic printer for textual mailing cards but it is different for the artist. It is almost impossible to duplicate the same colors, details, and other attention grabbing features with a printer intended for home use.

What most new artists may not realize is that professional printing services are pretty inexpensive and can have some jobs ready within hours. Even if an individual is just testing out their promotion plan with a few cards, many services are happy to take on jobs of any size. Artisans with a small budget should find this to be great investment in their business.

New technology allows most professional printers to give customers a preview of the product. They also have the tools to make slight photo edits to enhance image quality and will offer recommendations for the best images to submit. Many do this because they realize the demand and want as much repeat business as they can handle.

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